Tap Your Toes All Weekend at the Winter Jazzfest 2015

  January 6, 2015  //  Winter Jazzfest 2015

So you’re sick to death of the sound of silver bells, and you’ve about reached your last noel, but you’re not quite ready for a silent night. No problem! The end of the holiday carols has arrived, and you can cleanse your musical palette with some of the best jazz music around. From January 8…

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See Stars on Broadway with Jake Gyllenhaal in “Constellations”

  January 5, 2015  //  Constellations

Philosophers and physicists don’t always travel down the same paths of thought. There’s one theory that has some of both thinking, though, and it involves the idea of different, parallel realities. Every time you make a decision, they say, another reality comes into being. In those different realities, you live out the different consequences of…

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Shred the Worst of 2014 at Good Riddance Day

  December 22, 2014  //  Good Riddance Day, Uncategorized

Everyone has rotten memories from this last year. We’re not even talking about massive, terrible memories from such things as illnesses or tragedies. Maybe the love of your life blew off a date by telling you he had to go wash his cat. Could be, you took a ferry other than Seastreak and are still…

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Slurp Up Fantastic Soup at Ivan Ramen

  December 19, 2014  //  Ivan Ramen/Ivan Ramen Slurp Shop

Ramen is infamous for being cheaper than dirt, but much better tasting. You might get sick of the handful of spice-packet flavors available in your grocery store (especially if your diet’s been heavy on these squiggly noodles), but ramen has much more to offer as a meal. Hungry diners who’d like to find out all…

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Dig Into Creative Cuisine at élan

  December 18, 2014  //  élan

The English language has plenty of words, but it doesn’t always have a term that conveys exactly what you mean. This is particularly true when discussing complicated or deep states of being. For those, we turn to other language. Consider the term “élan”. With just one word, the French language conveys a broad concept. It…

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